Hello Lavs, its been a while hasn’t it? Oh well, don’t be upset. I am always on and of the wagon. Anyway, now I am back on the wagon again, I just want to share my in between wash day hair treatment. I usually wash my hair every two weeks, and in-between washdays I do a green tea rinse to reduce hair fall and encourage volume and thickness. This I believe has been one of the secrets to my natural hair being so lush recently, I used to do it when I was in university and I stopped, but I am trying to go back to my old hair habits now (no more lazy natural). Anyway so here’s what you will need below;



4 Bags of Green tea

250- 500ml of Hot water

A mug or glass jar



1.Place the four bags of green tea in your glass jar or mug, pour hot water over it. Cover the jar or mug and allow it to cool for about 10-15mins. If you want the brew to be strong you can leave it for up to an hour in the fridge. I leave mine over night in the fridge, mainly because I forget it there, oh well it works great and the tea brew is pretty strong at this point.

2.Strain the tea bag, and pour the cooled green tea in a applicator bottle, or you can simply leave the cooled green tea in the jar.

3.Pour it all over your scalp and gently massage your scalp in a circular motion. GENTLY MASSAGE YOUR SCALP, you are not trying to wash you hair here.

4.Use a cotton shirt or cloth to take out the excess dripping water and cover your hair with a plastic cap for about 20mins.

5.Rinse out with cool water and you are done!!!



Green tea contains high amount of antioxidants and caffeine that promote hair growth. The catechins in it have 5-Alpha-reductase inhibiting properties that help block the growth of DHT ( Dihydrotestosterone) which hinders hair growth and causes  hair fall.

Due to it’s antiseptic properties it also helps cure common scalp irritations like dandruff and psoriasis by reducing inflation.

Green tea also helps stimulate hair growth in the hair follicles and softens the hair. Thus, in addition to stopping excess shedding and hair fall, it contributes to the generation of new hair. It contains vitamin E and C, and polyphenols known to boost voluminous hair.


You can do it as an in between wash hair treatment like I do, or use it as a rinse after washing and conditioning your hair.


Hair has already dried, been moisturised and sealed. Sorry I forgot to take a picture during the rinse.

There you go guys!!!! Have a great weekend!!! Today is Friday I am off to do my green tea rinse hair. xxxxx


Peppermint oil!! Scientifically proven to aid hair growth!!

Source : 

Ji Young Oh, Min Ah Park, and Young Chul Kim. “Peppermint Oil Promotes Hair Growth without Toxic Signs”. Toxicology Research, Volume 30, Issue 4 Dec. 2014, pp. 297–304.

Over time the amazing benefits of peppermint oil have been documented. Its known to have anti bacterial and anti microbial properties. Using peppermint oil to massage your head has been known to relieve headaches. It’s also anti inflammatory and helps with nausea.

However, in December 2014, a study of the hair growth benefits of peppermint oil was finally published. This study compares peppermint oil to the popular minoxidil ( this has been widely used by doctors to treat hair loss). 

For the experiment 100% pure peppermint oil was diluted with a carrier oil (Jojoba oil was used in this case), the mixture was then applied topically for 6 weeks, once a day for a period of about 1 month. The results show that peppermint oil had a more pronounced effect on growth as opposed to the other compounds.
The experiment was conducted on mice, it showed that after 4 weeks the peppermint oil led to 92% hair growth and the minoxidil had led to only 55% hair growth. Also with the use of PEO (peppermint essential oil), the depth size of the hair follicles had actually increased.
So if you are suffering hair loss or missing edges, try some peppermint oil!!! A snap shot of a quote from the research is as follows:

“In conclusion, our experimental data suggest that 3% PEO facilitates hair growth by promoting the conservation of vascularization of hair dermal papilla, which may contribute to the induction of early anagen stage. In addition, PEO effectively stimulated hair growth in an animal model via several mechanisms and thus could be used as a therapeutic or preventive alternative medicine for hair loss in humans” 

So there it is guys! A non toxic hair growth product! Purchase pure Peppermint Essential oil HERE
Have a great evening xxx

Palm Oil Deep conditioner


Oh yes! I said it! So what you do is chop onions and mix it with the palm oil and………… noooo we are not cooking hair egusi, this is a real thing.

We have many natural beauty secrets that are often ignored in this present day and age in Nigeria. My husband actually pointed out to me how his grandma put palm oil in her hair! So when you want to rejuvenate your hair look no further than your kitchen.

The composition of palm oil makes it so great for the skin and hair, palm oil is rich in alpha carotene, beta carotene and a mixture of ten other carotenes, it’s also very high in vitamin E ( tocopherols and rare tocotrienols). When consumed the beta carotene is converted to vitamin A by the body, and vitamin A is used to combat hair loss. Carotene which is the basis for vitamin A is readily absorbed by the hair and scalp, it functions as an anti-oxidant and add shine to dull and lifeless hair.

The tocopherols contained in palm oil are essential for keeping the hair strong and healthy. Tocotrienols which is the less common form of vitamin E accumulates in the skin and protects it from damage. Furthermore, the high vitamin A and E content in palm oil makes it a potent antioxidant which prevent the destruction of cells of the hair, skin and scalp.

Palm oil is used in soaps and shampoos for its ability to remove oil and dirt from the hair and skin without stripping the body’s natural oils away. Due to its deep moisturizing properties it is a conditioning agent for the hair and also it provides anti-ageing benefits for the skin. Essentially it’s a fantastic nourishing moisturizer for the hair and skin.

So here is my recipe for my palm oil deep conditioner:

photo 2 (2) photo 3 (1)


  1. 5 table spoons
  2. 2 Bananas
  3. 4 Tables spoons of coconut oil
  4. 4 Table spoons of castor oil
  5. 2 Table spoons of olive oil (optional)
  • Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl either manually or with a blender.
  • When you hair been sectioned and shampooed, apply the mix to each section and focus on the ends of your hair. Cover hair with a plastic cap and leave the mix on for 30mins-1hr.
  • Rinse thoroughly with cold water.
  • Style as usual, do not use any heavy oils/creams in your hair afterwards to seal. You can use coconut oil or something light. This is because the remnants of the palm oil will be in your hair for a few days and a heavy oil to accompany it will make the stain on your pillows really bad.
Fresh after rinsing the oil
Fresh after rinsing the oil
After spraying a light leave in conditioner and putting in twits. (The back of my head)
After spraying a light leave in conditioner and putting in twits. (The back of my head)

Use as much or as little as you like of the above ingredients.  I hope you get the results that I did! I wish I got better shots!!!! Have a blessed day xxx

Benefits of Dudu Osun (African Black Soap)


Hello, go me! I am blogging early!!! Clap for me guys!! Okay, right, I have gotten questions on cheap natural hair products, and I keep telling people to get Dudu Osun, so I figured I might as well blog about the goodness of this soap. If you are not interested in struggling with a clay shampoo, then natural shampoo bars like this are really the easy way to go. The ingredients are as follows; Pure honey, Shea butter, Osun (Camwood), Palm kernel Oil, Cocoa pod ash, palm bunch ash, Aloe Vera, Lime Juice, Lemon Juice, Water and Fragrance.

Hair and Skin Benefits

Unlike most commercial shampoos Dudu Osun gently cleanses your hair and scalp without stripping all your scalps natural moisture. The Osun (Camwood) contains amazing antiseptic and skin balancing properties. This makes this soap a great shampoo for treating scalp irritations and an excellent body wash to rejuvenate the skin. Aloe Vera juice, functions as a hair moisturizer and is often used to fight hair loss, also, Aloe Vera juice contains properties that assist in removing dark spots from the skin.

There are two amazing anti dandruff ingredients in Dudu Osun, which are; Lime Juice and Lemon juice, they both help fight against dandruff and prevents its reoccurrence. Lemon Juice has also been known to clear acne and even out skin tones. Honey is a natural humectant and excellent hair moisturiser; it’s also a popular ingredient for treating acne.

The Palm Kernel oil is a gentle cleansing agent and functions as a great hair conditioner. Palm kernel oil is also full of many antioxidants which means both your scalp and skin will be getting a regular detoxifying cleanse every time you use Dudu Osun. It also exfoliates the skin thereby creating a healthy glow.

Finally, my favourite ingredient is Shea Butter, we all know how great Shea butter is for the skin and hair. It has several fatty acids and plant steroids thus, it’s effective for curing skin rashes, stretch marks, scars, etc. It contains vitamins A and E which aid hair growth, clears dark spots and rejuvenates the skin. It’s an excellent moisturizer for both the skin and hair, it functions as a top notch hair conditioner and softener and it soothes dry and irritated scalp. The list is endless!!!

Dudu Osun is 100% natural and can be used from head to toe literally; frequent use will give you beautiful skin and hair. Finally, I like would to dispel a popular myth; Dudu Osun does not make you dark or darker. None of the ingredients of Dudu Osun function in that capacity.

Below is a link to a video of our beautiful Nigerian sister Latifatumi using black soap/Dudu Osun to wash her hair:

Natural Anti Dandruff Remedies

Hello, I have been getting lots of questions about how to get rid of dandruff. I always like to do things the easiest way, and the easy way is always the natural homemade way! Okay let’s begin.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) RinseACV: Mix 1 Cup of Apple Cider vinegar with 2 Cups of water. Put this in a spray bottle, spray on your hair and scalp. Massage it into your scalp gently, leave in your hair for about 5-15mins then rinse of, moisturize as is desired(preferably with something light like coconut or jojoba oil). Repeat this process once or twice a week depending on the severity of dandruff.
  • Lemonlemons:  The acidity of freshly squeezed lemon juice as with ACV helps break down fungus that is often the cause of dandruff outbreaks. Massage 2 Table Spoons of lemon into your scalp; leave it in your scalp for about 2 mins. I know this will sting. Then mix 1 tea spoon of lemon with 1 cup of water and rinse your hair with it. Repeat daily until no longer needed.You can also Squeeze an entire lemon into a bowl and mix with 5-10 table spoons of coconut oil. Massage the mixture into your scalp and leave it in for 20-30mins and rinse with a mild shampoo. Repeat this once or twice a weak.
  • Tea Tree Oilteatree: Tea tree oil has been medically proven to be antifungal and functions as a good disinfectant. You can mix 5-10 drops of tea tree oil in your shampoo and wash your hair as normal. However I find this method to be more effective; after shampooing your hair, mix 1 Table spoon of tea tree oil into 1 cup of warm water or Aloe Vera juice, spray into your scalp and let it sit for a few minutes. Pat the extra moisture out, but don’t wash it out.
  • Baking Sodabakingsoda: Baking soda kills fungus and gently exfoliates the scalp of excess dead skin. You will need 1 Table spoon of baking soda, 1 cup of Water and a few drops of Rosemary oil(Optional).  Mix 1 Table spoon of Baking soda with 1 cup of warm water, or 2 Table spoons with 2 cups of warm water and so on. Use an applicator bottle or clean empty shampoo bottle and apply the mix to your hair and scalp. Shake well before use. Use this in place of shampoo and rinse as normal. Use a light moisturizer like Jojoba oil afterwards. Repeat this once a week.
  • Saltsalt: Salt is a natural exfoliator, it gets rid of extra oils and dead skin flakes. Rubbing it on your scalp will also help soothe the itchy feeling. You need 3 Table Spoons of salt (Epsom Salt or Dead Sea salts are great if you have them, but regular salt is okay too).  Gently massage the 3 Table spoons of salt into your scalp while its dry or slightly damp for 2-3mins. Shampoo immediately after wards. You can repeat this process once a week.


  • Eat Rightlean: You all knew this was coming! I cannot stress how eating properly affects all aspects of our wellness. Eating well, helps hair and nails grow and improves our skin conditions. Eat green leafy vegetables ( raw, like in salad form or blended in juice form), this encourages healthy skin, hair and nail growth. Fish oils are also essential for beautiful hair and skin, taking Omega 3,6 and 9 supplements will not cure dandruff but will reduce their severity. Also, eat lean proteins like fish, eggs, nuts and beans, these build the hair and skin.
  • Have a look at my previous post on scalp care for the basics of how to prevent dandruff and encourage hair growth through scalp care.

Have a lovely day everyone 🙂

6 Simple Hair recipes

coconut_oilsheabutter avocado Rosehip_Oilaloeverajuicemoringaoil


Shea oil/Butter

Coconut/Olive Oil

Aloe Vera juice/Gel


  1. Mix these in any quantity according to your hair needs. If you use Shea butter instead of Shea oil for the base, please be sure to blend all the ingredients together.
  2. Don’t use too much water, about        ½ a cup is alright
  3. Apply generously to sectioned damp hair and finger detangle (pull shed hair from the ends of your hair gently), then comb hair gently from the ends to the top.
  4. Use before you shampoo and condition.

Scalp Cleanser

Apple Cider Vinegar                            1 Cup

Luke warm water                                3 Cups

Mix the water and Apple Cider Vinegar (AVC) and massage it into your scalp and then rinse out. I do this before shampooing sometimes, especially if my hair feels really dirty. I also do this in-between washes just to keep my scalp clean and to stop my scalp from itching.

AVC doesn’t strip your hair of its natural oils, so you don’t need to use conditioner afterwards either, you can just use only oil you like after you rinse to seal in the moisture. However, if it’s your wash day, then shampoo and condition as normal. This gives your hair a beautiful shine and keeps the pH balanced.

Moisturizing shampoo for Itchy Scalp (Personal Favorite)

rhassoul clay


Rhassoul Clay                        4 heaped table spoons

Coconut oil                              2 or 3 Table spoons

Moringa Oil                             1 table spoon

Argan Oil                                 1 table spoon

Rosehip Oil                             2 table Spoons

Aloe Vera juice                        1 Cup (or enough to make the liquid as runny as you like it)

Tea tree oil                              10 drops

Rosemary oil                           5 drops

Peppermint oil                         5 drops

Mix all these ingredients together in any order that you like, shake it all up and use!! I have a super itchy scalp and this is the mix I use to soothe my scalp and get it very clean! It won’t lather but trust me it works! Also you don’t need a conditioner after using this mix because the Rhassoul clay doesn’t strip your hair of its natural oils. It leaves your hair feeling soft and smooth.

Tea tree oil helps soothe itchy scalps and functions as a disinfectant. Rosemary and Peppermint oils are good scalp stimulators which promote growth. The essential oils create a nice tingly feeling that calms the scalp. Coconut oil helps hair retain its natural moisture content, aides’ protein retention and strengthens the hair. Moringa oil works as an amazing anti-oxidant and purifier for the scalp. Rosehip oil helps treat dandruff and other scalp conditions; it also helps add shine and moisture to your hair. Argan oil contains a lot of anti-oxidants that help strengthen the hair, it moisturizes the hair and helps stop fly away hairs. Agran oil is also able to penetrate the pore of the hair follicles and shaft and enhance the elasticity of your hair. It is used by Middle Eastern women in their skin and hair products and has been termed a miracle oil! Finally, Aloe Vera juice is fantastic full of minerals that are so good for your hair! Its helps to treat dandruff, it helps balance your hair pH and moisturises your hair. It is also great for minimizing hair loss.

Results after the Rhassoul clay shampoo!!
Results after the Rhassoul clay shampoo!!

Avocado Conditioner

Avocado                      1 ripe

Honey                         2 Table Spoons

Coconut oil                  2 Table spoons

Olive Oil                      2 Table spoons

Aloe Vera gel              2 or 3 Table spoons

Vegetable Glycerine   2 Table spoons

  1. Mash up the avocado with some water (just enough to make it pasty) or blend it and sieve out the bits that stick to your hair for greater smoothness.
  2. Add honey, coconut oil, olive oil, aloe vera gel and glycerine to your blended or mashed avocado.
  3. Apply to already cleansed or shampooed hair, cover with plastic cap.
  4. Sit under a steamer for 20-30mins, use a heat cap or just simply cover with the plastic cap for 30mins-1hr.

These measurements are not exact, you can vary based on the length of your hair and how generous you are with product. You can also add and remove; these are just things that worked for me.

The Avocado is rich in vitamin E, C, K, Folic acid, potassium, magnesium and Omega 3. It full of the proteins and fatty acids your hair needs to grow and stay shinny and moisturised! It’s the perfect conditioner for the hair. It is also a humectant, which means it draws water to the skin making it more plump and youthful. Also eating it is great for the skin and hair.

Aloe Vera gel has the same wonderful properties as the Juice. It’s just thicker, which makes it better in conditioners and detanglers.

If you have any left over, you can just use it as a face mask or put it in the fridge for later.

The Classic

Honey             4 Table spoons

Egg                  2 egg yolks (1 egg for shorter hair)

Mayonnaise    As much as you like

  1. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl, apply to clean damp hair.
  2. Cover your hair with a plastic cap and leave in for 30mins-1hour.

Honey is a natural humectant, which means it keeps the hair bouncy and moisturised. The eggs are full of proteins are a popular hair growth remedy. Mayonnaise provides volume, moisture and shine to your hair. Feel free to add extra oil or two to this mix if you like.

Shea Butter Conditioner (Super rich)

Shea butter (Whipped)                        3 or 4 Table spoons (Heaped)

Avocado Butter                       2 Table spoons

Egg                                          1 Yolk

Aloe Vera gel                          2 Table spoons

Coconut oil                              3 Table spoons

Argan oil                                  2 Table spoons

Apple Cider Vinegar                2 tea spoons

This is my favourite conditioner! I made this up to prevent my hair from breaking. If your hair feels a little stiff after using this, it’s normal; it’s because of all the protein. I just put lots of coconut oil in my hair after I rinse out the conditioner, which makes my hair softer.

  1. Use lots of Shea butter as the base, make sure it is soft and creamy (blending it usually makes it very soft)
  2. Mix all the other ingredients in with the Shea butter and stir until the paste is smooth and creamy.
  3. Apply to clean damp hair, cover your hair with a plastic cap and leave in for 30mins to 1hr.
  4. If you are using a steamer or wrapping your hair in a warm towel I suggest you leave the mix in for no more than 30mins. Please note that if you get some of the egg whites into the mix it will cook in your hair! Use only the yolk if you want to steam or heat your hair in anyway.

Shea Butter is full of proteins and fatty acids good for hair growth. It is an amazing sealant and keeps our natural hair, especially 4C hair moisturized for longer. It does not sit on the hair instead it absorbs into the hair strand without leaving a greasy of heavy feel. However, it does coat the hair strand enough to offer some protection against heat tools used on the hair. Also, it contains SPF to protect the hair against the ultra violet rays of the sun.

There you go guys my favourite recipes :). If you would like to order any of the products listed especially if you are in Nigeria where a few of these organic stores don’t ship to; email me at Also email me if you have any personal hair questions.

Also, I would like my readers to send me pictures of their hair! I would like to start a gallery soon, so if you are curly and proud (or a little shy) please send me pictures and flaunt your hair!